Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Steve the Spanish Guitar Player
Camera: Sony R1, ISO 160, 1/1600 sec @ f4.5
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Heidi the Flipper Lady
I heard an interview on the local CBC Radio morning show with Heidi and her Brother who's family has operated the Taylor's Fish truck in downtown St. John's for the past 30 years.
This is definitely a character of our city that should be in this collection.
I took my daughter and her best friend for a walk along the harbour front to find the "Fish Truck". Wow, what a nice lady Heidi was, she chatted with the girls and I for 20 minutes or so then happily posed for photos and smiled the whole time.
I like flippers once a year, but Cod Fish... I could eat that twice a day!
Camera Sony R1 (again; thanks Lynn) ISO 200 f6.3 1/250 sec.
Meet Joe, the guy from McMurdo's Lane
I have been waiting for the right time to strike up a conversation with Joe.
He is very quiet and most days he won't evan ask for spare change. Maybe he thinks that I don't look like I have any to spare. Finally I got around to actually asking if he would mind taking his photo... and "Yes, but I want to comb my hair." He genuinely seemed to enjoy the attention and we spent about 20 minutes chatting and shooting. The lighting was soft and pouring in from Water Street so it made the contrast of the wall really jump out.
Camera: Sony R1 (Thanks Lynn) ISO 160, 1/60 sec, f3.5 Photoshop CS4 convert to B&W
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Angela the Beautiful Gypsy
Steve Hussey
Don Tucker professional Busker
Friday, 20 March 2009
Jim Whey The Cobbler
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Chess is one of those quiet characters. He is usually found hanging around Tim Horton's drinking coffee with his son and his sister. They may not be terribly well educated but they all work hard. Snow shoveling, painting fences and doing little jobs all around the down town.
I like Chess because he is always chatty and often suggests new ways for me to photograph him doing some new job he is particularly proud of.
Always squinting, (he needs glasses) when he recognizes you it turns to a big grin.
Camera: SONY DSC-R1, ISO 160, 1/1600 s at f/4.0, exp -0.7, no flash, Converted to Mono in Photoshop CS2.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Robert Rideout is one of those true characters you find in every city around the world. Robert survives by recycling other peoples laziness. He travels the streets of the city from the hottest days of the summer to the coldest nights of the winter. He picks up and recycles beverage containers, bringing them in his shopping cart to the ridiculously out of the way government recycling centres.
I have allot of respect for Robert and others like him who make a living out of our lack of respect for the environment and our laziness.
It is not easy pushing that basket up the hills of St. John's. Maybe someone with a pickup will occasionally offer to help Robert deliver his treasure the 5km to the Green Depot.
"Sony R1, ISO 160, f/3.2, 40/10 sec. on a tripod but his eyes are blurry from blinking.
Thank you Robert.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Marilyn, always a dramatic dresser with the wildest collection of Go-Go Boots and Animal Print Fur coats.
She is usually seen around downtown St. John's pleasantly striking up small talk with passersby or cursing the deamons of her daydreams. She is a wild and precious person who thankfully receives support and the concerns of us all.
Try to save a little spare change for her, and always save her some dignity. There but for the grace of God goes all of us or our family members.
Camera: SONY DSC-R1, ISO 160, 1/1000 s at f/4.8, exp +0.3, no flash, Converted to Mono in Photoshop CS2.
Photo is #244 of 244 shot of the subject that day.
Photo by Robert Young: http://www.celebrityphotostudio.com/